Friday, December 7, 2012


The media is more than ever full of speculation.  We hear speculation about who will run for the presidency in 2016, what will happen to our economy if x, y or z happens, and there is little actual news reported.  My favorite channel, MSNBC is often being tuned out for other channels because I, for one, want to here what is actually happening, not what a few think might happen.

BBC News ran an interesting article on 12/6/12.  It was written for the magazine by Kate Dailey and asks whether  the US birthrate suggests we are becoming another Europe.  There are five myths stated.  
1.  The decline is sustained and serious
2.  The American economy will be crippled
3.  Working women are to blame
4.   The US has become too comfortable
5.  The US is turning into Europe

Once again, these are guesses.  Clearly this is not the result of careful research.  There are so many parameters not tested, just assumed, that it is somewhat ludicrous.  Nevertheless the whole concept it of interest just as conspiracy theories are worth listening to if for no more than a good laugh.

To read the whole article, click here..


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