Sunday, January 27, 2013


Lisa Miller
This question 'Is gun ownership Christian?' was answered by a reporter on the Washington Post. She is Lisa Miller.   She writes: "According to the startling results of a survey released last week by the Public Religion Research Institute, 57 percent of white evangelicals live in homes where someone owns a gun (compared, for example, with 31 percent of Catholics.) And more startling, even after 20 first-graders were slaughtered in Connecticut at the hands of a madman with an assault rifle, 59 percent of white evangelicals continue to oppose tighter restrictions on gun laws. "'

The article in the Washington Post answers some questions by what it shows and writes.  However, it also leaves the reader with many questions  about when the statistics were taken and how frequently do those statistics change.  Do they change when gun assaults are made in different religious house of varying denominations?

Recently listening to  pro-lifer talk about caring about all lives and naming the very large number of abortions supposedly taking place in "America.  The Pro-Lifers see they can do more good preventing those deaths than they can through saving lives, for example, by reducing the number of lives lost by gun violence.

Somehow that logic fails me as lack of sincerity.  It seems more as though they are saying It is easier to save the unborn than it is to change the gun laws.  If this figure is quoted from statistics, they are short sighted.  The reason for abortion having been made legal was the number of illegal abortions not only killing the fetus but also the mother, too often.  It is as though once born, a life loses value as quickly as a new car purchased and driven off the lot.

When people of religion start championing more guns and banning abortions, I rage at the hypocrisy shown.

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