Monday, January 28, 2013


Republican naivety is astonishing.  When Rand Paul determined that, since Secretary of State Hillary Clinton assumed responsibility for the tragedy in Benghazi, that it was then proof that she was guilty for failure.  We have courts and stringent testing to determine guilt or innocence.  Just as suing a doctor is not possible when a bad medical outcome assume the physician is guilty  because a patient didn't get well or may have died. Proof of guilt must come from a determination that the doctor either didn't use approved treatment, or was incapacitated in some way (possible having used drugs or alcohol, for example).  It is the process, not the end result, that determines guilt or innocence in most cases..

Too many people assume if you find the guilty party, you have solved the problem.  Secretary Clinton made this point clear when mildly chastised Representative Johnson asking 'What does it matter?"  Johnson, a Republican, not surprisingly, misinterpreted her meaning and tried to make political hay by saying she doesn't care if four people died.  Nonsense,of course. She was saying it was more important to understand how to prevent such a thing happening in the future.  Neither Senator Paul or Representative Johnson had any idea the massive task of her job and the layers of structure to the top, as witnessed by Paul's leap to say he would have fired her for not reading all the million emails that came through her office.

Similarly, our media loves to make fights where there are none.  It was assumed that because Hillary lost the campaign to Barack Obama in 2008, she must be resentful and dislike him.  It is not understood that campaign are a process of using strategy. but that in the end, we back whoever is elected our president.  Both Bill and Hillary Clinton then joined together to help elect Barack Obama to the presidency in 2008. Many of the media personnel are rather small minded people.  They project their own responses onto others so that we do not get facts, we too often get their subjective opinions.  If they did their job and found more facts rather than guesses, we would all be better informed,  Listen to Rachel Maddow if you want to hear  a complete story based on fact.  There are many others on media channels who are pretty good and then there is FOX News! Their audience is rarely exposed to truth or fact. 

What is clear from the interview on 60 minutes interview(1-27-13) of both the President and our Secretary of State together, was a lesson in professionalism in politics where the ultimate goals is to work together for the good of the country.  What a novel thought that has yet to become a part of the actions of the current Congress. 

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