Saturday, February 16, 2013


It seems that those who are elected to office really do not have to understand the Constitution.  Rand Paul, in the Senate doesn't agree with the Constitution and believes he knows better than those who quote it.  Washington is more than just broken.  It has a political cancer that unwilling to allow treatment of itself.  Those in office listen to voices other than their constituents, treating them as though all that mattered was their vote.

When a new Representative like Cruz can hold up a presidential nomination for his cabinet by asking totally irrelevant questions and the House leaders do not bother to chastise their new member, refusing to act like leaders, the need for training leaders to be leaders, not just be given the job because they were voted in, it reasonable to question why our government, that huge corporation, does not follow the rules of any well-functioning large corporation.  There are no reviews of its 'employees'.  There are no merit raises.  There are no lessons of history to prevent newcomers to know of what they speak before they open their mouths.  Like immature parents who are really acting like children themselves, the leaders of the House tolerate such open stupidity, lack of knowledge of exactly what their committee function should be within its limits, they are able to stall the US Defense Department's  presence at an important meeting with overseas nations.

To me, this is unconscionable behavior not only on the part of the obstructionists but on the part of the leaders who should be censured for not doing their job properly.  It is beyond my comprehension why such poor functioning is being allowed, or why we have no laws governing proper behavior of our elected officials.  Apparently there is a poorly functioning ethics committee, but shouldn't there be a test of some sort for newly elected legislators as to their understand the Constitution and their role in their .elected situation.  They were not sent to Washington elected to govern in place of the President.  Senators like Rand Paul may be entitled to believe he would be a better President but he cannot function as though he already is.  

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