Tuesday, February 12, 2013


This is a portrait of an egotistical and over-rated man.  He pretends to be important and knowledgeable when his behaviors prove him otherwise.

Recently he and Bill Maher, the comedian, had a bit of a flap.  Maher joked that with that orange hair, his father had to be an orangutan.  Mr. Trump took offense and had a lawyer send him a letter threatening to sue for the $5,000,000 Mr. Maher bet he would pay if he was proven wrong.  In the lawyer's letter, Mr. Trump included a copy of his birth certificate which the silly man thought proved his paternity.

A birth certificate simply writes down the name of the man the mother 'claims' is the father who then becomes the father of record.  Where there is a father hanging around in a true marriage, he can be reassured that it is his child, especially if the child has distinguishing familial features..  Click here,The reason virginity was so important historically was the need to be sure that his wife had not been impregnated by some other man before marriage and a child was his offspring..  In the first class in England in the early 1800s, many wives who were married off for titled in exchange for their dowries that would pay gambling debts or save properties for family. It was not uncommon for the wife to have affairs after having delivered the heir, her obligation to the marriage and to her husband.  Later children were frequently not the offspring of the master of the house but since their inheritance was not a factor in the world of primogeniture.

In today's world, paternity is no longer verified by birth certificate but by dna testing  Mr. Trump failed to understand that he was being put on by a comedian and did not need to prove anything since species cannot be crossed'for details of the 'bet', click here

We were saved from his being our President.  While there are many other reasons why he never should be in that office, I would offer this as a very good reason, as well.  We need a brilliant person in that office, male or female, who is competent, well trained in leadership, foreign policy, and in making cooperative work with people with differing values.  President Obama has all those qualities though people with far fewer aspects of integrity, morality and common sense as well as brilliance try to make us think otherwise.

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