Wednesday, February 13, 2013


     President Obama gave his ideas for growing the economy.  I thought he did an admirable job of touching the major issues. Afterwards, the pundits who always think they can do a better job than the president recited all that he 'should have said' but didn't.  I thought he covered some exciting ways that we would go forward instead of backwards as the Republicans have tried to force us to do.  We heard more about executive action.  It was clear he will not take the passive position that he had the past four years.  He has learned they do not negotiate or compromise and speak with forked tongues. For the speech, click here.
      Marko Rubio in vented a view of the President's speech and the state of the union through conservative Republican rhetoric.  He wants less government, has no economic expertise, and says he opposes Obama's plan because he wants to protect the middle class.  He is, in my opinion, a naive politician who thinks he is on the road to the presidency.  He should learn to ride his tricycle before he buys his Lamborghini.  While President Obama spoke about plans for the country, Rubio's major focus was to criticize the President.  Poor form.
     After negating all the good ideas the President gave, he finished off with a repeat of all the ideas that Obama had put forth as though they originated with Rubio about education, help for the poor, help for student loans.  He like others was full of what 'should have been said' rather than what was actually said..Rubio wants us to have a shared hope for a shared life.  I',m sure he had no idea how many of his ideas were what President Obama gave.  He also falsely criticized the President and was very inconsistent throughout.  For the transcript, click here.
      Rand Paul spoke prior to tonight.  To his this ridiculous man speak (while it is difficult to realize that people were cheering him on!)  The one thing he said that was true was that anyone who fails to understand the uniqueness of this nation is unfit to be president.   He should never be president.  He would be a disaster.  To hear his speech, click here and watch the video.                   .

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