Thursday, February 14, 2013


Today, on the Lawrence O'Donnell Show, (The Last Word) he read the enemy list of the NRA.  He said he couldn't not figure it out. We heard first that there is that list.  When he first talked about it, you can here him here.  Click here.

Lawrence O'Donnell is unable to figure out why the names are on the list of people, organization, unions, hospitals, and many other groups.

My thought is that the NRA has allowed militias to be armed with more ammunition that our police departments have.  They have been able to buy wartime guns for many years now.  For a group that is antisemitic, racially prejudices, fearful of those who treat gun wounds and might object to the NRA, and i am sure I could make a connection for every person or group on the list. 

It distresses me to say , "I have no proof, but it is a consideration I would like to have explored by those who have the capacity to do so.  I do not believe that our government is clueless to these dangerous groups. I believe that the4 NRA cannot have become so powerful without lots of power behind them.  The current power threat away from those behind the government for the past few years  has shifted and there is great unhappiness about it.  All one has to do is watch the faces of the the Republicans who do not want to be doing what they are doing right now.  It was quite apparent during the SOTU. (State of the Union).

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