Friday, February 8, 2013


So many cars were lined up for gas that the station was limiting the sale to only 5 gallons per vehicle.  It doesn't look like I will have anywhere to go, anyway, after the street plows do their job of piling up even more snow to fence in the parking area.  I can only hope that our power will stay on, though I know that is unlikely.  I do not have a generator though I have been trying to contact someone who would put one in.  I would like to plumb in natural gas as I have heard that is now available on the market.

So, if I am not heard on my blog on a day or more, it will be because power is out and the Internet is dependent on it.

We in this area have been exceedingly lucky for now and the law of averages now says it is our turn. One of the things that one cannot fight is the law of averages and Nature's random acts (certainly not always random acts of kindness.).

If it follows the course it did in 1978, 2 feet of snow can reach 4 or 5 feet from the wind, though it may be near ground in some few places. We must be patient.  We can be sure that as long as the sun is in the sky, spring will come along in a few weeks and if not shoveled, the snow will melt a;; that white stuff and turn it into irrigation for the spring plants..,  .

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