Sunday, December 2, 2007


As I drive in my neighborhood towards my house, people have done 'pretty' and 'pretty tacky'. Some people think more is better. One house has a yard full of everything that can be lit that vaguely resembles the Season. Lights are in every window, around the windows, all along the roof lines, every tree, every inch of what used to be lawn, the fence, the walkway....and I'm still probably forgetting some parts trimmed. a few houses away, there are big, blow up things that look great when air is being pumped in but lie around like dead carcasses all day.

Years ago we trimmed outside; local kids stole bulbs. Little Grinches! That did it! Now I no longer get myself chilled. Everything lives inside where I stay warm and don't have to re-buy all the time.

There are musical Santas, tiny Santas, tall Santas, modified Santas, in every space not filled by an angel or nutcracker. The mantel piece, bay window, top of the entertainment center, and lots of other spaces show off a collection of nutcrackers that has taken forty years to gather, augmented by my daughter's collection, as well. Like the Nutcracker Ballet, I would like to get up after midnight and see all of them alive, just once!

I begrudge having to go though the season. Think, decide, buy or not, wrap, wasted money. Two things I never liked doing are wrapping and mailing things and making salads. Both tasks have crept into my life and labeled themselves necessities! Whereas I went for years without having to do either, my life somehow has become infested with their popping up whether I call for them or not.

If I had a religion I'd change it! I'd change the celebrations that split the world. I'd start with advertising. First I'd start a truth in Ad inquisition, then a campaign for people to stop buying unasked for gifts. No guessing....and here the dream ends.

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