Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Confessing that my early fears about Michele Obama, the angry woman who let it all show to the entire TV viewing audience, repeated over and over in sound bites, that her children didn't want to enter their bedroom in the morning because their father's feet smelled, raised many early questions in my mind about whether she was to be an asset or a liability to her husband if she became First Lady.

Tonight, regardless of how many people may have participated in writing her speech, she had to deliver it by herself. And, deliver it she did. She not only brought tears to the eyes of many in the audience, but she brought tears to mine. I respond to emotion and affect in a room only when sincere touches me and when I perceive the emotion is shared by many there no matter how Ms Obama may have been coached and rehearsed, I knew that this woman was willing only to speak that which she believed from the great core of her being and integrity. It doesn't bother me an iota that her husband is ambitious and wants to be President. Anyone campaigning for the office should be. Fred Thompson's failure cannot wholly be attributed to his ambitious, young and beautiful wife pushing him into something he didn't wish. But that Fred Thompson never indicated that he wanted to be President enough to fight to convince a nation of voters that he had the proper 'fire in the belly' required probably cost him the candidacy..

Having been a working mother myself, long before it was accepted, admired or even socially tolerated, I felt I could identify with the hard work this woman has done to be able to stand by the side of a man as dedicated to not only succeeding to office, but truly believing that he could be helpful to the masses of people unable to help themselves. When one has come from poverty and succeeded, not through luck but through preparation, one has learned that you need never go back to poverty as long as you have your health, mental capacity, and a profession that assures you there will always be work for you out there somewhere because of your superior abilities.

Michele Obama, I believe, was able to convince most of the loving basis for her being on stage to support her life partner, the husband and father of her children, and for their combined hopes for making a more promising future for their children and those of all other Americans. Whereas I saw Barak Obama as a Pied Piper early in the campaign, I see this man as capable of raising the bar of honesty, morality and integrity in the White House promised but not delivered by G W Bush. The family resume is far more promising than four years with a man with an appearance of scarcely making it to the inauguration with his health and mind intact. After eight years of being lied to, all promises ignored or broken, conditions of living in the USA falling steadily lower for all but the top 1%, it is with much pain and sadness that I watch the most needy being the most gullible, believing that our great white-haired hope for our future is John McCain.

Since our Democratic candidate seems surely to be Obama, I believe that Ms Obama's speech tonight did much to alleviate my panic that the 'black rage', forced as protection on the difficult climb up the ladder to where she is today, will not be her most visible feature in the White House.

Good work, Mrs. Obama! Now we will hopefully hear what it is, stated clearly for all the non-believers, just what it is Mr. Obama plans and how, and with whose advice and assistance he will effect those plans.

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