Monday, June 20, 2011


Some of you may have noticed many older people are more mellow, less judgmental, and more willing to listen to their 'youngers'.  That is because they have become differentiated...They know who they are and are what they want to be. They do not need to be defined externally   Life feels good for them.  They have few regrets and  litle about which to feel guilty.. So many things told to them as new ideas are not new at all.  They've been there, done that, but don't find the need to talk about it.

They have pretty much achieved what they wished to do in life and, while they might have taken other paths in life, have made the most of the ones they chose. Teenagers often do not feel anxious about dying.  They have not yet made meaningful attachments that make them worry about leaving responsibilities and loved ones behind.

By the time seven or eight decades have been lived, loved ones have another generation or two pushing them from below.  Most seniors, who are still enjoying life,  are not rushing to die nor do they death.  While some cling to the the idea of an after life, others belief death (not dying),  is painless and simply like the blue screen on your computer. The only exception is that you can buy a new computer or operating system, but you cannot buy a new life.

Those of us who want to be kind to loved ones whom we leave in life on Earth may wish to leave a neat and tidy package with a Will, a codicil to make the disposal of goods easier for those who might have coveted them or simply because we think a person will love the things we loved,, benefit from clear and concise instructions and a clean and organized house.  It is kind to leave specific instructions behind.  Whether they are followed or not, up. the deceased will never know. Knowing where you begin and end is part of comfort in old age so that you are not planning to control the living through death but can comfortably let go when it is time to do so..

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