Whoopee, with the convenience of e-filing , the IRS will have my completed tax foirms before the deadline! Unbelievable! Naturally, I could not find last year's printout, though during the three hours I hunted last night for it (not even sure that there ever was one) I found all sorts of treasures I have not seen for years.. It proves that no time spent is ever a waste.
I really need to speak about the advantages of a Financial Planner. Having worked my whole life I realized a few years ago that my earnings were going to a stock broker who could talk a cat off a fish wagon. I bought and sold enough to buy his kids their college educations, I'm sure, while I had to work a second job to get mine educated.
My agreement with my CFP was 'as long you make more for me than it cost me to pay and your company, I will be happy. I have been totally pleased. I now know that I might be able to live out my life without having to sit on the corner with a tin cup hanging off my hand.
Thankfully, as technology advances, TurboTax made it easier and easier each year to file taxes with frustration not eliminated but, at least, brought to a minimum. I did not fill in the forms myself but was handy for the person to ask about all the things needed. I fetched info as needed and available. Then I made backups of my backups, hoping to make things even easier next year.