Saturday, October 15, 2011


"On October 15th the world will rise up as one and say, "We have had enough! We are a new beginning, a global fight on on all fronts that will usher in an era of shared prosperity, respect, mutual aid, and dignity."  This is quoted from a website on Occupy Wall Street.  It was shocking to see a map of the United States with a yellow dot everywhere that a protest was going on.  There were more than a hundred dots and there are more in other countries, in sympathy or daring to protest the same issues there.

Watching the police in NYC brutalize a young man, sending him to the hospital, was gut wrenching.  Is this what our country has become?  The violation to people who have a right to free speech is no longer tolerated?  Do the police really want to see violence instead of peaceful protest?.

With over a hundred protests sites in the US now, many other countries are adding their own over the same issues.  The world wealth has gotten totally skewed.  In the US 1% of the people own 40% of the wealth.  The other 99% is protesting to make themselves heard that the country is not being run properly.  While the Republicans would like to blame Obama, people are smarter than that and can see the do-nothing, obstructionist Legislators in their zeal to make Obama a one-term president have abdicated their allegiance to the people.

In writing for the BBC, Mark Mardell describes the protests from the point of view of a Brit.
Click here to read his full article. He says what we should all know, in far more succinct language than we get to hear from our American 'so-called' media, which is less fact than opinion, for the most part.

Friday, October 14, 2011


For those in politics who believe they talk to God, could they ask their God to answer why Republicans are watching American citizens struggling to pay for food and keep a roof over their children, many of whom are malnourished or obese because they can't afford properly balanced food.  .

The new Bill proposed as the Protect Life Act would, in fact, cause deaths.  Calling a pig a poodle will never make it so.  While they profess to want to preserve life, the reality is they do not value life at all.  If they did, they would understand that there is no logic in their arguments.  African children whose parents are deprived of contraceptives are unlikely to live more than a year is many places on earth at the present time.  Starvation, illness, lack of medical care leaves them weaker and weaker until they die, often before reaching a first birthday.  It is difficult for me to fathom how forbidding the parents contraceptives or abortion  knowing they cannot support or save their babies from certain death in a few months.

The latest request by the Republicans in the House, that emergency rooms be permitted to refuse treatment that would end a pregnancy even if it causes the mother's death, is beyond any concept of a modern sense of morality and humanity.

Will the public ever find out who is behind the inhumane positions the House majority is taking?  I can't believe that this number of people see the world so similarly when it is so against everything our society has been taught medically, scientifically, and as positions to prevent crimes against humanity. Are they not getting instruction from a source outside the elected government and believing they are talking to God?.  The Higher Power cannot hate women because it makes more of them and keeps them around longer..

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Alone refers to a condition of solitude.  It gives many a peace of mind; the ability to think things through without interruption. The togetherness sought by many in relationships often does not factor in the need for alone time.  People's need to filter out extraneous chatter, sounds, noise, music, or their partner's nagging varies. Some can tune out everything beyond their own thinking and others are unable to achieve such a state.

In counseling couples about to marry or cohabit, the way they set up their space is one of the early aspects on which I have had them focus.  Where do they do their thinking?   If raised as an only child, spending all one's free time with a partner may present with a need for solitude.  Space in mutual living arrangements needs mutual negotiating.

The extent to which you share with one another, or not,  may result in being lonely though not alone. Communication is not simply exchanging facts,  it shares people's histories day to day lives and emotions.

Merriam Webster defines lonely as being without company.  It is easy to see that one can be lonely, even with people around, if their is no interaction or connectedness.  Most all bi-polar people I have worked with describe a feeling of loneliness (generally described as in the pit of their stomach) that never entirely disappears, even when with loved ones.  That speaks to the source in the brain for emotions as well as the translation in the body by hormones.and neurotransmitters 
 Creating a life free of loneliness but with some needed solitude should be every one's goal.   Time to think, time to play, time to talk to friends and stay in touch with the world beyond their own view., 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The Republican party has put up the worst slate of candidates, least prepared and least competent to be running this country.  What does this say?  It makes me seriously consider if those 300 along with the Koch brothers really want to see a revolution in the US.

I base this speculation on the fact that the Republicans are being controlled, totally by something or someones not visible to the voters.  Their lock-step voting does not make sense.  Never have that many such diverse and rigid people agreed on ANYTHING.  They must be controlled by money from outside the House and Senate and want just to hang onto their jobs because it is clear that they do not vote with the requests of the majority of their constituents.

Why then are they idly sitting by watching the protests escalate with increased frustration of the protesters?  Why are the Republicans so hung up in defying the Constitution, making the campaign one about who is the greater Christian?  Religion should stay out of politics!

I shudder to watch the frustration being raised by the police persecution, and the refusal of so many politicians to hear the plea of the majority of Americans behind these protests.  I dread the next step which history has taught us is violence and revolution.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The Occupy Wall Street movement is out to focus the nation's attention on decades of increasing inequality.  Joshua Holland wrote: If Top 1% Hadn't Ripped Off Trillions, You'd Likely Be Making Thousands of Dollars More Right Now.  To read the whole article, click here.

Yotam Maron writes:  Click here for his advice on how the protesters can beat Wall St.  These two articles were written after only two weeks of protest.  At that point the protest was believed to be disorganized and leaderless with no specific goals.

The protest is gradually taking form.  Leaders are taking their places and people are listening to them.  The 'real' protesters are obeying health and economic considerations, cleaning up after themselves.  Having been used to assigning a committee to study the problem, Washington remains at sea about the protest since none have taken the time to listen to the protesters or their constituents.

News flash to the Washington elected officials:  Stop trying to guess what this is all about; stop listening to those powerful, rich 1% who paid for you but are not those to whom you swore an oath on the Bible (totally ingenuously it would appear);  angry people should be heard because anger only escalates when ignored.

Signs say much that can be read when not heard.  To see some of the sign (note people carrying them are not all college students) 

The 1% may lose their control over the country, the lobbyists may not be followed, and even the Supreme Court should do well to watch their judgements that fight histories views.  Corporations are not people!  Judge Roberts, what could you be thinking???

Monday, October 10, 2011

Republican  Representative Peter King, NY
Republican Representative from New York, Peter King says: ‘We can’t allow’ more coverage of Occupy Wall Street. Does Rep King think he was anointed as a censor unto himself.  It is my belief that the media is not controlled by politicians (no snickers allowed here) in our Democracy of the United States.  The most conservative of them all, and the one which is most apt to be slanted or just not truthful, is Fox News (Fair and Unbalanced by their word; Unfair and I
balanced according to many viewers)

“It’s really important for us not to give any legitimacy to these people in the streets,” said King on Laura Ingraham’s radio show Friday evening. “I remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can’t allow that to happen.”

It would be amazing, indeed, if the majority of the public got heard by the mentally deaf representatives it elected to represent them. 
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Should I believe that Rep King has read the Constitution he swore to uphold?  Should I respect Representative King for his attempt to control those who do not agree with him by  attempting to control the media?  Does anyone other than I believe this man is a megalomaniac, too full of himself to be of any further use to his country and his constituents?

Sunday, October 9, 2011


According to Al Jazeera, "US drones have been infected by a logging virus.The infection could allow hackers to access intelligence gathered by the unmanned aerial vehicles.

Analysts say that the keystroke logging virus, in theory, could allow hackers to monitor activities of drone operators.

Wired magazine, which broke the story on Friday, said the problem was first detected nearly two weeks ago by the US military's Host-Based Security System, but there were no confirmed incidents of classified information being lost or sent to an outside source.

Military network security specialists said it remained unclear whether the virus was intentional and how far it had spread, but they were certain it had infected Creech's classified and unclassified machines.
The virus has also resisted multiple efforts to remove it from the base's computer systems.
"We keep wiping it off, and it keeps coming back," a source familiar with the network infection told the magazine.
As a precautionary measure, military drone units at other US Air Force bases have been instructed to stop using them."

Hackers have mastered their craft with remarkable creativity.  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  (Newton's Third Law)A force is a push or a pull upon an object that results from its interaction with another object. Forces result from interactions!
 The push and pull is the 'I get in - you push me out' and so it has been going on with the good guys vs the bad guys in our world. 

The more population in the world, the more devious minds plot against the rest of us.