Saturday, December 17, 2011


Difficulties when getting older are mentioned too often by too many.  Less often mentioned is: there are good things about getting old, as compared to aging.  When you’re ‘old’ you have lived longer than people around you.  Your past experiences are more varied.  You have had more failures and more successes; more time to figure out what works for you..

Despite your priority on things you choose to store in your brain, it will be filled with trivia, some new and useful, some outdated.  However, not everything new is better, including everything most expensive as some assume..

Another good thing about old is that you no longer have to climb real of virtual mountains (assuming that you might have when you were younger.  Personally, if I ever had the urge, I used to lie down until it passed). Some people stress about not having been able to cram in everything they think they must see, own, or do, to have lived a full life.  Whether one travels to see more poverty than right here now, miss experiencing Machu Pichu in situ, while gasping to breathe, or don’t catch every latest movie, play, museum offering, most people will never get it all and feel complete.  Stress is relieved when one can say, I’ve had a full life and now I’d like some time to digest it all.
We all reach our senior status differently.  It is a time when we can say, ‘been there, did that, gave at the office’ and as a remarkable one once wrote, ‘I shall wear purple’.  It is a time when you know yourself and do not care if people judge you as eccentric when you do as you please.  Truth can be told, opinions given, whether people listen or not, .because we now know that we all live in our skin only.  Regardless of what we might say or advise, we know that we have lived our lives, made our mistakes, and must allow others to do the same.  We should have, by now, set our own boundaries.  If we have not, we will remain unhappy campers who feel intruded upon constantly.  This assertiveness and lessened desire to deal with ideas that we know are ill conceived often rankles youth.. Joy is experienced in our old age when we are immune to what the young like to think as a role reversal.  They think it is now their time to make decisions for their parents as they have raised children themselves.  

However, there is no such thing as role reversal.  Parents will always remain older and their adult children will never see them revert to infancy.  Those adult children will never become parents to their parents, only caretakers (should they love their parents enough and have the time and energy to do that).

Friday, December 16, 2011


Some conniving Republican ProLifer is fighting to get around that right to abortion by redefining personhood  by reinterpreting the 14th amendment.  Mississippi residents rejected a similar proposal in their last election by a very wide margin.

By defining life as a person at the moment of conception, it makes it impossible to use contraceptive pills, or the morning after pill.  In Texas, Rick Perry proudly announced that he has been able to shut down 12 Planned Parenthood Clinics by simply defunding them. The results to thousands of women are devastating.  Their resource for cancer screening has been made unavailable to them by this so-called 'right-to-life' goal.  The hypocrisy of allowing no value to all women from conception to death escapes me.  I thought life began with birth and remained life to death.  Apparently there are misogynist people out there who disagree.

With 40% of our living children homeless, many suffering malnutrition and some schools feeding children who can't pay a cheese sandwich while those who can pay have pizza, makes me doubt the sanity or humanity.  With the number of jobless parents, mortgage foreclosures, desperate poverty, it is difficult to comprehend how these people are listened to anyone who had compassion  for fellow humans.

Governor Rick Perry, with this budgetary cut, simply points out yet another reason demonstrating his incompetence for having control over other people's lives. He also proudly counts the prisoners he has had executed as though it is goal for which others should reach.

The law proposed with the new personhood definition would also forbid in vitro fertilization.  For people who value life,this seems somewhat contrary to their purpose.  Apparently wanted children are irrelevant.  Unwanted children should be brought into the world.  Where is my ability to comprehend this logic going amiss?

This inhuman philosophy is burgeoning under the term 'biopolitics'.  Now there is an oxymoron in the making!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


  • Statistic given out today:  11% of Americans will do their shopping online this season.
  • What is going on in the minds of voters who plan to support Gingrich for President when he violated ethics, paid a very large fine and left his post as Speaker of the House?
  • Christine O'Donnell's endorsement of Romney is a  kiss of political death.
  • Why does the media allow Cheney to speak on Iraq?  He lied to get us there.  Why would he be truthful in giving credit to Obama for mopping up the detritus he was the primary cause of it being there.
  • Romney keeps saying we need a leader for President.  Obama, despite the obstructionism of the Republicans has accomplished more positive changes than for which he is credited.
  • In the race for greatness of Chutzpah:  Donald Trump should get a first prize.  He refuses to say he won't run for President and intimates he will run as an Independent candidate if he doesn't approve the one chosen by the Republicans.
  • Why do people ask what your favorite anything is?  Perfection cannot be compared to perfection.  Can one say one prefers one orange to another or an apple to an orange?
  • Why do people pay so much attention to the polls other than it give media pundits a crutch to make them look as though they are up-to-date on the status of every changing minds. The system of taking polls is as relevant to today's world as horse and buggies are in urban areas.
  • Sorry, dear readers, my mind is as cluttered as my blivet of a house right now.  Tomorrow should be a better day.  Hopefully you will have a great one as well.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The hypocrisy of the people who refuse to allow women to have abortions at any stage, or to even have the 'morning after' pill are without conscience.  Today the statistic was offered that 1 out of every 45 American children is homeless.  Is there logic to bringing children into the world by force then abandoning them or call the helpless mothers who may even have been raped to raise the raper's child, while denigrating them as 'welfare mothers'.

Armanda Marcotte has written on 8 Right-Wing Groups Practicing Scorched-Earth Anti-Choice Nuttery Against Women.  "They’ve sent a strong message to Republicans: It’s not enough to be “pro-life” anymore. They want full-on war on women and sex."  Who are some of these absolutists?  Click here to read the Marcotte article.

The 8 groups are:Personhood USA. an umbrella group for various state activist groups pushing to get “personhood amendments” onto the ballot "Personhood USA has only one ostensible goal, to amend state constitutions to get fertilized eggs defined as legal “persons”"
Live Action  Their agenda controls the Republican Party.  Live Action openly supports the absolutist agenda, putting their support behind personhood initiatives and attacking Planned Parenthood not just for providing abortion, but because the organization is willing to provide STD and contraception information to minors and self-identified sex workers.  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. A large wing of the organization is devoted to lobbying for extremist anti-choice policies that are often far beyond anything being asked by incrementalist anti-choice activists. While the group fights the label, they are, in fact, lobbyists.  Ohio ProLife Action.  They would ban all abortions after a heart beat is detected.
Susan B. Anthony List  They are anti-choicers fallaciously claiming to be supportive of some “older” form of feminism.   Leslee Unruh with the Alpha Center.  Leslee Unruh is a one-woman machine of anti-choice extremism in South Dakota.who seems to have the ears of many of the state's legislators and has been successful in getting her agenda on the ballots but has been voted down. American Life League. Before personhood amendments were even on the anti-choice radar, ALL was demanding not just an overturn of Roe, but also an overturn of Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 Supreme Court decision that legalized contraception for married couples.

A fertilized egg is seen as a person for whom these groups will fight to birth only.  Abandonment follows.  How can these people believe they are ProLife.  They are only ProBirth.  The majority of births produce living children and the necessity for their survival is no less than it might have been to those who were passing judgment that they should be born to suffer whether there is anyone to love or care for them, feed them, help to mold their characters, and so much more.  To my view, people who call themselves ProLife are the worst Christians I can imagine if they, in fact, have read about Christ's life and works.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Reflective of man's tendency to anthropomorphous has been the belief that the erection of an ostrich penis is by blood.  Recent scientific study (Yale University) reveals it is from lymph fluid and leaves another puzzle for those interested in how that evolved.  All other birds with a penis achieve erections in this way, leading scientists to believe the mechanism evolved in their ancient ancestors. For more detail, click here

Earth News reports:"The mating habits of deep-sea squid have been revealed for the first time, after the discovery of a male squid with a huge elongated and erect penis." 

"The male squid's sexual organ is almost as long as its whole body, including the squid's mantle, head and arms.
That shows how male deep-sea squid inseminate females; they use their huge penis to shoot out packages of sperm, injecting them into the female's body. The discovery may also help explain how giant squid mate in the ocean depths."  For more of the article, click here. 

For an interesting treatise on  creatures with a penis ( I had never much thought about the subject before reading some of these sites, I find that either Mother Evolution has a weird sense of humor or our scientific research into evolution of other species is a long way from being completed.  Click here for 5 unusual mating habits.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Pursuant to my life quest to make my remaining existence on this earth as stress free as possible, I went to see the Muppet Movie.  While on a Sunday afternoon, I expected to see a theater full of children.  However, I had forgotten that today's children wouldn't remember the Muppets. Of course, I realized that it was yesterday's children who remembered them and cared to spend a nostalgic afternoon with the Muppets on a big screen.

The Disney Studios did a lovely job bringing back the characters of the 70's.  We were treated to many songs but most poignant was The Rainbow Connection sun by Kermit and Miss Piggy.  The plot saw the decaying studio that used to be the platform for the Muppet shows.  It was a metaphor of what happens to anyone aging or anything no longer wanted by the public (no longer eliciting the devotion and respect of previous audiences).  The story is of a keep a corporate villain from destroying the museum was meant to allow the memory of the Muppets to live on.

The cast is a delight, made even more so by cameo appearances, all great and least expected in this particular movie. This movie is doubtful to be Academy Award fodder.
Co-written directed and acted in by Jason Segal, his face offers the plasticity for all the many emotions required.  Amy Adams is beautiful, loving, patient, and becomes the fiancee to her non-Muppet boyfriend as the wonderful happy ending breaks through.  If you can avoid violence, heavy drama and reality, and enjoy being brought back to when you watched the Muppets as a grandparent, parent or child, you will enjoy this movie.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Tonight, the debate occurred in Iowa.  Since i rarely look at ads or the TV guide, I might have missed it if one of my neighbors hadn't clued me in that it was on and even told me the channel.  How could I then resist?

George Stephanopoulos and Diane Sawyer moderated.  Diane kept reminding them on the rules they had agreed to follow which they were constantly violating.  Most often they turned the expected answer to a question into a totally unrelated campaign speech.  Michelle Bachmann didn't answer the question that was asked:  "When was the last time you could not afford something you needed."  The absence of relevant responses made it very clear, even if some had known some poverty as children, none o them wee children any longer and certainly did not know it at this time.  Mitt Romney was blatant in his monied position, as well, when he stated his challenge willingness to bet Rick Perry $10,000 on some trivial point of pride. 
Gingrich keeps to his story with a smooth grin, especially when the subject of a marital oath to God and a question raised, How I you can break an oath with God (relating to violating a marriage vow,, what does that purport about breaking the oath of office?’
In all, besides taking pot shots at each other (with a smiley face), lots of accusation were rephrased but nothing was really changed through the seemingly interminable evening.  The group continued to give criticism to Obama but obviously had no knowledge of what he has truly done since he was president nor how much they, as a group, persisted in denying him any of the changes that would be helpful to this country
On the issue of morality, trust and fidelity of marriage vows, “Gov. Perry, who has been running ads in Iowa touting his family values and long-time marriage, took a veiled jab at Gingrich, telling the audience, "If you cheat on your wife, you'll cheat on your business partner, so I think that issue of fidelity is important.". (ABC NEWS) :