Friday, December 16, 2011


Some conniving Republican ProLifer is fighting to get around that right to abortion by redefining personhood  by reinterpreting the 14th amendment.  Mississippi residents rejected a similar proposal in their last election by a very wide margin.

By defining life as a person at the moment of conception, it makes it impossible to use contraceptive pills, or the morning after pill.  In Texas, Rick Perry proudly announced that he has been able to shut down 12 Planned Parenthood Clinics by simply defunding them. The results to thousands of women are devastating.  Their resource for cancer screening has been made unavailable to them by this so-called 'right-to-life' goal.  The hypocrisy of allowing no value to all women from conception to death escapes me.  I thought life began with birth and remained life to death.  Apparently there are misogynist people out there who disagree.

With 40% of our living children homeless, many suffering malnutrition and some schools feeding children who can't pay a cheese sandwich while those who can pay have pizza, makes me doubt the sanity or humanity.  With the number of jobless parents, mortgage foreclosures, desperate poverty, it is difficult to comprehend how these people are listened to anyone who had compassion  for fellow humans.

Governor Rick Perry, with this budgetary cut, simply points out yet another reason demonstrating his incompetence for having control over other people's lives. He also proudly counts the prisoners he has had executed as though it is goal for which others should reach.

The law proposed with the new personhood definition would also forbid in vitro fertilization.  For people who value life,this seems somewhat contrary to their purpose.  Apparently wanted children are irrelevant.  Unwanted children should be brought into the world.  Where is my ability to comprehend this logic going amiss?

This inhuman philosophy is burgeoning under the term 'biopolitics'.  Now there is an oxymoron in the making!

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