Sunday, December 11, 2011


Tonight, the debate occurred in Iowa.  Since i rarely look at ads or the TV guide, I might have missed it if one of my neighbors hadn't clued me in that it was on and even told me the channel.  How could I then resist?

George Stephanopoulos and Diane Sawyer moderated.  Diane kept reminding them on the rules they had agreed to follow which they were constantly violating.  Most often they turned the expected answer to a question into a totally unrelated campaign speech.  Michelle Bachmann didn't answer the question that was asked:  "When was the last time you could not afford something you needed."  The absence of relevant responses made it very clear, even if some had known some poverty as children, none o them wee children any longer and certainly did not know it at this time.  Mitt Romney was blatant in his monied position, as well, when he stated his challenge willingness to bet Rick Perry $10,000 on some trivial point of pride. 
Gingrich keeps to his story with a smooth grin, especially when the subject of a marital oath to God and a question raised, How I you can break an oath with God (relating to violating a marriage vow,, what does that purport about breaking the oath of office?’
In all, besides taking pot shots at each other (with a smiley face), lots of accusation were rephrased but nothing was really changed through the seemingly interminable evening.  The group continued to give criticism to Obama but obviously had no knowledge of what he has truly done since he was president nor how much they, as a group, persisted in denying him any of the changes that would be helpful to this country
On the issue of morality, trust and fidelity of marriage vows, “Gov. Perry, who has been running ads in Iowa touting his family values and long-time marriage, took a veiled jab at Gingrich, telling the audience, "If you cheat on your wife, you'll cheat on your business partner, so I think that issue of fidelity is important.". (ABC NEWS) :

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