Thursday, September 13, 2007


Webster defines terrorism as :: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. We in the US and for that matter, much of the world, seem never to have a moment free of terror. Spouses now need to look carefully to be calm that their spouse won't murder them. Especially check on the traits of the spouse killer in that last link. For a map of world incident terror attacks there are sites to make us realize it never stops.

In the 70s and 80s, adolescents terrorized their parents, often as drug abusers. Many parents today are still enablers because they have not found a way to say no to their aggressive, over-indulged offspring. In 1998 a writer wrote a helpful article about the mistakes that parents make in rearing their children.

What can we expect of the children who have lived through Darfur, Iraq, Bosnia, Belfast, Afghanistan, and other places where they have suffered wars, famines, deaths of family from political murders, natural disasters and all the things that can happen in our world. Adoptive parents of foreign orphans (who have been unloved an alone in their cribs for too many months) are paying the price in rearing children incapable of making proper emotional attachments due their early psychological and physical deprivations.

We are terrorized by those who abuse mind-altering substances, suffer from untreated psychiatric disorders, sociopaths, and those who use computers to scam, hack, steal identities, and otherwise use the Internet for blackmail purposes.

We run the risk of raising our children to be too trusting if we don't let them know the dangers. We also need to be aware that those who have been abused often grow up to be abusers. Humans are not doing a very great job with all the knowledge, medical, technical, psychological and other that is out there. I weep for all that must feel helpless in their lives so much of the time.

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