Monday, October 8, 2007

The world has totally lost perspective

Mental health professionals used to believe that all children were born with the same potential to be good, moral, peaceful and law-abiding adults. Only as scientific research progressed to better understanding of the chemistry of the brain and how it functions, have we come to realize how naive that picture was naive. Some of us have been able to alter our understanding of what our system can do to change some of the problems we see in our society.

While I consider myself compassionate as a human, I realize that wonderful people will die because we have not yet found a cure for cancer, ALS and other causes of death in good people. We have not found a cure for pedophilia, sociopathy, and other very serious crimes which infect our society. Instead, we warehouse criminals, creating a Hell on earth and taking away resources from others who could use them to make our society a far better place. We have come to view a 'one size fits all' view of life.

Being the daughter of people who were born in Europe at a time when infants born with serious physical defects were killed on the spot (there were no hospitals and survival for people so difficult that such a child could not have been cared for) it is impossible for me to understand those who value life of any human being, regardless of the pain it may cause to others, as all important. Many of these people care not that an unwanted child will be ill-cared for or grow up to take life away from many others.

An article in today's BBC news brought up this conflict for me. Since the UK no longer uses the death penalty, it suggests that if this predator is found, he will not be given the death penalty, no matter how masny lives he has ruined.

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