Thursday, July 17, 2008


When putting something in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, why do people not squeeze out all the extra air to slow down the growth of mold and rot that hastens amidst oxygen? When stacking a dishwasher, why don't people ever look to see where other dishes have been placed and put like with like, making it easier to unload? Why do people put forks with tines down and knife blades up?

These things are in the category of cooperation. cooperation: Function: noun Date: 14th century
1 : the action of cooperating : common effort 2 : association of persons for common benefit
One reason: Passive aggressiveness: The Wise Geek says: "
The term passive-aggressive is used to describe someone who exhibits manipulative behavior within their personality. On the surface, the traits may appear as stubbornness or a polite unwillingness to agree with a situation." The end result is that the person is manipulating you to turn to their way of thinking or to avoid having to turn to yours.

The term passive-aggressive is thought to have originated during World War II. Soldiers were found to be shirking their duties, but in ways that were not openly disobedient. The army used the term passive-aggressive in a bulletin sent to soldiers regarding this behavior. Many soldiers saw this behavior as a simple response in order to keep from being killed during the war."

It is unlikely that someone has never behaved that way nor knows people who do. Another way to make someone's life difficult is to make their priorities the lowest of yours. The bumper sticker which reads: Commit Random Acts of Kindness would make us all live more happily in this painful world if people could just realize that everyone benefits when someone is made happier.

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