Thursday, September 11, 2008


One of the saddest losses for our children in this generation is that there are so few models whom they can comfortably aspire to emulate. Priests, police officers, top business administrators, teachers, politicians, and so many others have toppled off their pedestals. I am assuming much of it is because all the little dirty things make more play for the media, which sells interest in these sordid kinds of actions and is hardly in the best interests of allowing children to admire elders. However, should they be allowed to be in awe of the flawed?. We allow the sports and entertainment industry to create heroes and heroines because they make so much money, not because of the quality of their intellect, integrity or ethics.

The current shameful misinterpretation of the lipstick-on-a-pig statement by Obama, deliberately made into a large issue by people who have not cared to listen to the entire context and meaning, is equally shameful. For once, some of the media has tried to balance this pumped up non-issue, playing clips from the many, many times John McCain has used the expression in a similar context. However, we know that many people will not hear the truth any more than they have heard that Obama is not a Muslim. A close friend told me today that she doesn't like McCain but will vote for him because she cannot bring herself to vote for a black man. I was shocked and admit that lowers my respect for her. It makes it difficult for me to accept her having good judgment when her vote is on such a superficiality. Her argument to support her position: as a black man, he will next have us fighting in Darfur. Such incredulity strains friendships as much as settling contested family wills. In fact, if Gov. Palin thought she was being insulted, why wasn't there a hew and cry when someone remarked that she was another Dick Cheney, without experience?

Though ordinarily a rather patient and calm person, opinions like this expressed with so little information and thought, sorely try in me what Job had and I lack. Not only, I see, does the Republican party continue to smear rather than offer substance and plan for real change, it continues to insult those of us who see through their lack of interest in their country in favor of continuing power, ignoring the Constitution and all the rest of us who do agree with their religious delusions, or believe it is Godly to bring unwanted and uncared for children into the world for them to suffer.

Where have the stories of our youth gone when the good guys always beat the bad guys, when good won over evil, when yo could always tell the evil guys because they wore black and the good guys wore white?. How did evil slip into our society pretending to be with the support of God and believed by so many?

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