Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Listening today to McCain and Palin at a rally, I want to buy a bottle of what they are selling because it will cure all my ills, prevent cancer, wipe my brow and all for $1.00 a bottle! What I have not heard is where the money is to come from if they raise noone's taxes, since they do not share their plan for how they plan to make a silk purse out of the Bush sow's ear. Palin smilingly says it is not negative campaigning to point out what the opponent is and does, neglecting to say that she is, of course, lying about him most of the time.

It is disgusting , the low these two have reached in trying to gain entrance to the most powerful positions in the country. That there are people who hear only their promises and enthusiasm and lack the ability to ask the questions of them as to exactly how they plan to fund it all, saddens me. So many people are non-thinkers. I guess that is why Barnum is credited to have said there is a sucker born every minute. Apparently, even that is a misquote. That he trafficked in freaks only adds to the comparison.

It is further frightening that, somehow, everything that is said can be twisted so that all positives from the Democrats become negatives to the Republican candidates. What very evil people McCain and Palin really are; how lacking in veracity and integrity; how they will forsake the good of their country in every way to further their own stretch to the goal of running the country their way! Apparently our country once had the wisdom to head in a better direction. Watching the TV ads, we see that the snake oil salesman have never been outed for what they are, they simply have infiltrated the government as well.

1 comment:

drwelts said...

The leaders of the Republican party have always made it a big deal that their party represents "old fashioned family values".

One of the core "old fashioned values" in my family was: "Tell the truth".

How have the Republicans missed this one???