Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Pretty soon, another vote recount will have us hanging onto unusual methods for retaining calm. In Alaska there is Stevens/Begich; In Minnesota there is Coleman vs Franken; Mississippi, Wicker/Musgrove: and in Georgia, Chambliss/Martin. It seems that some things just go on and on. Did the Democrats keep Lieberman because they need him? As far as I can see, an apology for saying all the negative things he said while campaigning with McCain should not prevent disqualifying him from head of any significant committee! How can anyone trust him or believe in his having any loyalty to his chosen party. His actions in the past four years have labeled him as totally inconsistent, speaking what he thinks the people he wants to hear him will believe, and his pretense of loyalty to McCain was equally suspect.

As for the auto company bailout....they are in a different category than the money companies who were needed to stay alive to keep credit alive. Auto makers should Chapter 11 and get help from the government agencies to think through their reorganization.

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