Thursday, November 6, 2008


It has never bothered me to discuss politics with intelligent people who see things differently than I. I often learn a great deal from those discussions. However, what drives me to distraction are those who automatically go into a slippery slope discourse. They may go simply like this:
Other: "What did you think of the election?"
I: "I think the outcome couldn't have been better for America."
other: "But now all our money will be going to Kenya."
At this point I wish there were a hook to get this person off the stage of my life!

Another: "I like my current medical plan. It is working for my wife and me. Now it will be ruined. We won't be able to go to whichever doctor we wish. We will not be able to get a doctor other than on the government's list for us. We will have to wait for emergency rooms for longer than six hours. We'll not get emergency help and will die before we get to see a doctor. Our taxes will go up."
I: "From what are you getting all this?"
Another: "Obama promised the first thing he is going to do is put in Universal Health Care."
I: "Do you remember when the Clinton's tried to make a plan? It's not so easy. You will probably die of old age before your health plan changes.
Another: "Oh no. he said he is going to do that right away."
I: " And you think that the current insurance companies aren't going to block it happening too fast? Do you think such programs get set up over night?"
Another: "He is going to screw up our medical insurance right away...just you wait and see...that is what he promised to do."
Need I bother to mention here that both Other and Another voted for McCain?

I truly believe many Republicans are unable to tolerate change. Despite what Bush and company has done to us and much like him McCain has sounded while running, they still want more of the medicine which is killing them. Since the blue collar comedian said, "There is no cure for stupid.", I was worried about the number in the country who do not think for themselves. For the last few years the country had been believing it is bad to be intelligent (the hated intelligentsia) who were also often the second dirty word, 'liberals'. I have yet to find anyone critical of liberals who can accurately define one.

Most gratifying today was the realization that most of the world is happy that America is demonstrating the democracy we are trying to proselytize seems to be working at home. The one exception, of no surprise to anyone, is the President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev. Europe, Asia, the Middle East, the Muslim World...all seem to be very happy with our choice.

Whether the average IQ level has gone up in the last few years or whether some of the non-intelligent have infiltrated the ranks of the intelligentsia, the vote came through with exit polls and whatever else gets measured showing that intelligent people didn't wear 'shame' tags and were not afraid to say that they are in favor of taking care of problems in the United States. They will care about Conservation, animals, fuel sources and alternative energy, poor people before the extremely and entitled wealthy, and uphold the values Bush promised falsely and faulted for eight years.

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