Friday, January 16, 2009


There must be others who cringed all the way through the umpteenth farewell speech given by our outgoing leader of the used-to-be free world. When he said, "America is promoting liberty, human rights and dignity", I wondered what medication he was on, or what movie in his head he might have been watching.

In this delusion or hallucination since little of what he said hit on truth or fact, he mentioned that people went back to their "normal lives" after 9/11, but not 'he', who thought about it every day. He stood alone in his great responsibility about which he did nothing of import. Yes, there were no more terrorist attacks here on US soil. Why did there need to be? The terrorists saw to it that more than 4000 of the crop of our future were killed outright while 5 or more times that were injured or seriously maimed...never to be able to function with the full lives they led before this 'war against terror'! He really thinks we are safer than before...more evidence of his unrealistic view of his Presidency and its results. The media can pull up all sorts of footage to prove a point but I have not seem them pull up the footage of bin Laden's promise to break the economy of the US. He probably did not count on the easy success he could make of that by Bush's greed for oil and proving himself able to finish what 'Daddy' had started after getting rid of the man who had threatened Bush 41.

With his usual hubris, he tried to make it sound like a social victory in Afghanistan for women. When if ever, he comes out to the reality of the real world, he will find that women are still harassed, even with acid thrown in their face if they go to school. Some progress! Bush the man, who won't talk to anyone he sees as an enemy, (and sees most everyone outside the US as that) says we must reject isolationism and its companion protectionism. I believe he missed the recommendation to "practice what you preach'.

Bush, in that tiresome, longest war over nothing clear, said through Iraq, America was the leading cause of freedom. He dares to speak of moral clarity being maintained! I can't imagine to what in his administration he could be referring...does he mean when the history revisionists get through their work? He, with a benign smile on his face talked about the 'journey we have traveled together'. It reminded me of all the rapists who have calmly said, "She wanted it. She was asking for it." He thanked the American people for the trust they had placed in him, both of them. Clearly his approval ratings were not a significant bell weather for anything he ever did or the 'tough' decisions he decided. What had he expected when he took the job. Did he think he would have more than 77 vacations, hours a days to exercise and take care of his body, while others made the 'easy' decisions for him?

He complained he experienced setbacks, followed his conscience (at least he didn't repeat he was talking to God)and did what he thought was right. He never mentioned that I heard, an adviser, speechwriter, cabinet member or any one really important but thanked his family members profusely.

The most profound and truthful statement he made in the address, to my way of thinking, was saying America did nothing to seek or deserve this conflict (referring to the Iraq War.) He accused others of murdering the innocent to further an ideology but missed that he was describing himself.

I fantasied coshing him with a bottle of (cheap)champagne and launching him back into the real world as far away from Washington as is possible until the International Courts come after him for his war crimes.


SuperDwarf said...

Tell us what you really think ;) Thank you for your clear true comments. It is said Bush has been our worst president ever, gee I was present for a historical or is it hysterical 8 years someone please slap me :( I knew I was right when I felt robbed 8 years ago, thanks YiaYia

Yiayia said...

According to a poll I saw today, 27% of Americans still think he is the car's pajamas! That tells me that a little over 1/4 of the country has no capacity for rational thought nor empirical thinking. It is no wonder that we are in such a mess.