Saturday, January 10, 2009


While statesmen, politicians and amateurs dream of being the singular impetus for peace in the Middle East, beyond dreaming, drooling....the Middle East turns its usual deaf ear to sanity. Hamas continues to try to poison the world against Israel with lies to the media and Israel shuts the world out leaving it to wonder if Hamas is telling the truth about its evil intent this time.

Meanwhile Blagojevich was finally impeached in the meaningless gesture that was while Illinoiian politicians act like they did something unique. In Florida, "Chuckie" Taylor, the son of former Liberian President Charles Taylor has been sentenced by a US court to 97 years in prison for torture. Chuckie Taylor, 31, headed a notorious paramilitary unit during his father's rule says he would appeal. Mr Taylor has a well-earned reputation as a political escape artist. This leaves the rest of the world wondering when the International community will call in Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush for their part in the torture for which they pushed our nation into responsibility.

In Washington, great amounts of money are being wasted (or being put back into the economy, as some might say) getting ready for 2 to 4 million people to crowd into little space, some believing that a very competent, mixed racially, brilliant lawyer and politician will be inaugurated as the 44th US President while others see a black Christ's arrival. Reserved seats for the US presidential inauguration parade sold out within one minute of being put on sale, the ticket company has said.
More then 90% of the 5,000 seats available along the parade route in Washington were sold online.

Despite all the warring, terror, criminals and trials, felonious politicians, more of a concern is the question as to why unemployment is rising. In its second year of decline, the housing market will undoubtedly be effected as the world becomes one big game of economic dominoes.

Having made a pact with myself that I will not worry about anything over which I have no control, I shall concentrate on my New Year's Resolutions which are: 1. I will seek out and obtain one solid belly laugh every day remaining in my life, 2. I will go beyond my maintenance-only diet and do my body the favor for which it has been begging for much of my life.

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