Sunday, July 19, 2009


For a few days, the media has been suggesting that Hilary Clinton is negatively experiencing her lack of spotlight in the press. This seems hardly likely as she is not running for office nor indicating plans to do so. One would assume that Obama will be up for re-election in 2012 which would really make the political clock running out for Secretary of State Clinton.

Al Jazeera, which prints more objective news than American media, on its American page writes: Clinton is in India diligently doing the work for which she was appointed. The Republican distortion machine has been lubricated and is functioning better than ever. An exclusive by Mike Allen demonstrates just how much of a mockery their support makes of the political process.

When FedEx refused to give them two million dollars for their endorsement, they moved on to UPS. There is a written letter to substantiate the complaint. The offer was requested by The American Conservative Union. Another article in The Political Animal makes the point again.

Is it not time that some effort is made to bring more truth to the election process in its entirety...focusing on all parties?

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