Saturday, August 22, 2009


60 years ago, Science Fiction dreamed of the realities of today. Compared to the evolution of ideas from the invention of the wheel to today, this is akin to light years of speed.

We have watched computers go down from room size to almost flat panels. Medicine has advanced to body part replacements and non-invasive surgeries that have kept people alive years longer than they would have lived generations ago. News all over the world is brought instantaneously into our homes and to our eyes through the miracle of the Internet and TV.

The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries.

The chip technology used to store the video - described as similar to that used in singing greeting cards - is activated when the page is turned.

Each chip can hold up to 40 minutes of video.

You can read the entire article here.

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