Saturday, August 8, 2009


The title article intends to mean seniors get happier as they age. That is not a surprise to the seniors, nor even to some younger people watching them. Aging, if you are lucky enough to retain your brain functions and reasonable health is a wonderful place to be for anyone who has learned to get along with fewer material things. Those who bought houses long enough ago an have paid the mortgage off have a roof over their head. If they were like the little pig who built his house of bricks, they also put away some savings or investments to augment Social Security or pensions (if they were lucky enough to work for a place still paying them).

While many look on old age with dread, many know it is a great time of life, as they have learned how to avoid or cope with stress. Life is fairly fixed financially for most until the last Administration saw to it that the rich deserve more than the poor because they are capable of donating more to political campaigns, no doubt. Nevertheless, the age group no longer has to take achievement tests, determine a career, find a life partner, find a job, support a family, and all those things that younger people have to do.

To achieve that inner peace that comes with seniority, it means knowing when to worry or not, knowing what is reasonable to expect of yourself and not care what others expect of you, look on age as simply a number, take care of your mind and body--it is the only one with original parts you'll get. Within reason, have as much fun as is available to you; hurt no one; and dwell on only those things about which you can do something. In other words, 'Live long and prosper'...but only you can work on how that might happen. You have to start thinking about it when you are young because it takes money and energy.

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