Sunday, September 20, 2009


It seems that any time an American has to spend money they didn't think they had to pay before, they seem to be blaming Obama for 'tax increases'. Many have no idea whether the tax increase is local, state, or Federal.

Have people such short memories that they don't realize you cannot maintain a country with the services they use without constant expenditure for maintainance? This country has been too lax for too long and the infrastructure was in dire need of help. Obama is, without doubt, working on it and using the stimulus package to create jobs with it so the benefit is cycling around with great relief to many.

With so many Americans in poverty and families with children hurting for all that children need to grow up healthy, both physically and emotionally, is there a good reason why there should not be luxury tax? After all, people have choices about whether they want jewels, furs, yachts, cigarettes, and those things we could easily live without. Most who have to drive to work don't have a choice about buying gasoline. Taxes begun on phones when they first came out should be reconsidered as should those on necessary utilities. After all, how many of us can do without water, gas or oil to heat, cook, wash and dry clothes?

Our Legislators have become too self-serving and most have lost touch with the 'common man'. Priorities should be re-examined so that life becomes more fair for all...not Socialistic equality, but measuring what people need to live and be healthy. In the long run. It would benefit all of us, lower crime, waste, and medical bills which get paid by everyone for those who take little responsibility for themselves.

Let us give media laryngitis to Beck, Limbaugh, Grant, and those others who would rather see Obama (and thus our country fail) so they can retain their whacked out audience and get richer at a disgraceful cost to the integrity of the country.

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