Sunday, September 6, 2009


So many of us fear to stand alone, believing our lone voice will be lost in the vast emptiness around us. For that reason, many join movements. Having others saying and believing the same things (regardless of whether a true majority shares them), is confirming. Support groups have sprung up everywhere in our society for that reason. Therapy groups and Alcoholics Anonymous embrace the same and strength in numbers.

Is it any wonder then that we have so many groups coming together with truth and others with insanity ("James Warren "Jim" Jones (May 13, 1931 – November 18, 1978) was the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple, which is best known for the November 18, 1978 death of more than 900 Temple members in Jonestown, Guyana along with the deaths of nine other people at a nearby airstrip in Georgetown.")
“I doubt that citizens like yourself could ever, under our democratic system, be provided with the universal degree of certainty, the confidence in their understanding of our problems, and the clear guidance from higher authority that you believe needed,” Eisenhower wrote on Feb. 10, 1959. “Such unity is not only logical but indeed indispensable in a successful military organization, but in a democracy debate is the breath of life.”

Eisenhower also recommended a short book — “The True Believer” by Eric Hoffer, a self-educated itinerant longshoreman who earned the nickname “the stevedore philosopher.” “Faith in a holy cause,” Hoffer wrote, “is to a considerable extent a substitute for the lost faith in ourselves.” Read more on this here.

We have interest groups, family groups, political parties, organizations of all sorts, and the list of collective gatherings is massive, both hurtful and helpful. Oddly, the most hurtful seem to wrap themselves in Christianity. In the past, before the Internet made the world so small and before the news media became a 'sideshow', not a great deal of publicity was given the kookier ones. Some of the more dangerous ones like the Ku Klux Klan appear to be regenerating themselves under new titles and goals. Note that the KKK hides amidst a cloak of Christianity, just as the far right does today! They may shout truth down under different banners, but the messages are as similar as those in the video above.

Is the Unites States birthing new litters of KKK-like hate groips? Will we continue to let the Rush Limbaughs, Glenn Beck's and hate-mongering others continue to give them front and center stages? What are we as a country going to do about these attempts to split us all and throw away the societal gains of the last forty or more years? We currently have a President who is half of two races. Let us not forget that! He is neither black nor white. He is mixed racially as our country is mixed with religions and ethnicities. Unless you are a Native American, your genealogy says you descended from people alien to this country,even those off the Mayflower; some groups more recently than others.

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