Wednesday, November 4, 2009


As Benny Hill used to say, when you assume, you make an ass (out of) u and me. Well, today the talking heads on cable media were doing just that. In a very insulting manner, they were blaming the change of gubernatorial political parties on a denouncement of Obama. This is terribly insulting to voters, many of whom did not vote for a party nor as a statement other than being (possibly Independent voters) who vote the candidate they believe to be the best choice for a variety of reasons, not the party.

If voters are like I, they might just want to split party lines away from the national politics. MSNBC guests pointed out that for the past 9 elections, Virginia has voted in a governor who represented the opposite party of the President. I wonder how pundits could relate this to Obama.

For those who believe that God is talking directly to them, it is not difficult to understand their assumptions. Those of us who believe the voices in our head are either our own, conscience,or recall of parental dictates. They are not omens or predictors of the future now does following them give us a free pass to the mythical Heaven.

For those who assume Obama is a failure, I ask them is that their wish (a la Limbaugh)or are they so out of touch that they believe that what took years to happen can be undone immediately without the cooperation of the House and Senate who created the problems in the first place.

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