Monday, December 14, 2009


Criminals find that a name change doesn't always give them a new identity. One's past seems to cling like an incomplete wipe on hemorrhoids. Xe formerly known as Blackwater, money maker for those who finessed a no-bid contract through before the Obama administration came into being and have been raking it in for a long time. But all good things eventually come to pass and the CIA has taken over, using their own staff to load bombs onto their drones. The New York Times revealed the existence of the secret contract with Blackwater, renamed Xe, in August.

There are so many things that the American public never knew and still doesn't know about how the government makes sneaky decisions. At some point, politicians who add pork onto bills so that some frivolous expenditure can be added to their state parks rather than improving their schools and medical care of their people, will realize that they are robbing Peter to pay Paul, so to speak. Maybe even those voters who put them in office will smarten up and realize they, the taxpayers, are paying for it in the long run, whether they see it now or not. They are paying for the greedy politician to get re-elected to waste more of their money.

For the complete article from BBC on this, click here.

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