Tuesday, December 22, 2009


For months now I have been amused when politician's appear on video saying they never said something or other when more video of them is then shown in which they are saying that which they said they did not say in their own words and clearly documented speeches. Yet, nothing seems to happen about their being outed for their lies. What has happened to our people. Have we all been lied to so much that we helplessly vote the liars back into office if we like the lies they tell? It certainly seems so.

Someone sent me a list of stocks of health insurance companies and how they have risen recently. Here's a quick breakdown of major health insurance company stock performance from Oct. 27 to Friday's market close:
Coventry Health Care, Inc. is up 31.6 percent;
CIGNA Corp. is up 29.1 percent;
Aetna Inc. is up 27.1 percent;
WellPoint, Inc. is up 26.6 percent;
UnitedHealth Group Inc. is up 20.5 percent;
And Humana Inc. is up 13.6 percent.

Perhaps I should instantly be ashamed that I assume they intend to continue functioning in the monopolistic fashion in which they have been bleeding the American taxpayers of lots of money for limited service. Is it possible that anyone who voted out the public option can be voted back into office? Unfortunately, voters really seem to be that gullible and probably will believe just as they believe the birthers and others with ridiculous notions that persist in the face of reality.

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