Saturday, March 13, 2010


One of the global changes is the shrinking of glaciers.  People who do not see beyond one step fear nothing as long as they see nothing touching their lives.  However, this is not true of losses which threaten water sources like the Ganges that will effect millions of people.

PBS has a wonderful filming and program on just that concern.  Click here to watch it if you missed it.  In February 2010, Rohit Honawar wrote an article about the dying process of that mighty river that supports 400 million people with the life necessity of water.  He writes:  "There is no stretch of the river which does not in some way form an integral part of the Indian psyche and sense of identity. However, it is at these very same locations that a combination of human negligence and climatic factors has prompted the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to list the Ganges as one of the 10 most endangered rivers in the world."

There are undoubtedly many people who feel no connection to those facts.  After all, much of the world does not rely on the Ganges.  However, we must  picture a world with 400 million people begging for water.  California is troublesome enough for us as Americans.  We believe there is a vast supply elsewhere in the US which can sustain the population there if necessary...or so we hope.  We need to get over our tendency to put problems aside as being NMP (not my problem).  People who can shrug off, easily, with a simple 'NMP' will one day find a world shrugging off their unanticipated problems...we all seem to get to that place eventually.  We can be like the Republicans in the Senate and Congress and simply cling together with refusal to accept any suggestions or ideas for solutions by denying that there are problems other than those the Democrats are inventing, or we can accept that problems exist and support or join those trying to solve them.  The inventor of the expression "Denial is not a river in Egypt" was quite succinct.  Denial may help those who can't deal with reality survive temporarily, but it is like a vacation...nice for a bit but you wouldn't want to live there.

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