Friday, March 5, 2010


Greece is a very small country with more of its people living in Australia than in Greece.  In the early 1900s, many Greeks emigrated to the USA to try to send money back to their families in the homeland, just as many other countrymen have fled their homeland for their families' survival.

To read more about Greece, the country from its origins to date, read the wikipedia description.  There are many links so gauge your time spent on it accordingly.

Since the world has become so small,  the failure of the Greek economy would seriously impinge on the credibility of the European Central Bank and Euroland as a whole.

Should it surprise anyone that a little that has envied the USA's wealth was taken advantage of by Wall St. and sub-prime mentality?  As with the US, incompetent leaders,  they gave at the office of the Wall St snake oil salesmen.  Since World War II, they have been owed restitution from Germany but have yet to receive what would be life-saving to them now.  Adding insult to injury, however, the Athens News published a story that lends more detail to this situation, click here.

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