Monday, March 22, 2010


Despite all the day's talk about Nancy Pelosi having counted the votes well before bringing a vote to the floor on the Healthcare Bill, I sat white knuckled throughout the process, little allowing myself to believe that either campaign or voting promises would be kept.  However, kept they were.

Earlier in the day, as I watched Meet the Press, Tavis Smiley was the most cogent on the panel.  He chastised the politicians who spoke for the media, marketing and re-election, rather than thinking 'what is right for the people'.  After all, a vote is a vote and it doesn't matter that it be the same politician as from the last election process.  Representatives and Senators need to understand they are not important to the process as individuals, only that their vote represents the needs of the people, their constituents....a notion which has escaped too many in Washington. D.C., apparently.

Without question, many will be disappointed that things will not change fast enough but we all want to get to the destination in a hurry.  We forget the train will only go its maximum speed, which does not equal the speed of light.  Thanks to Obama for being a man of his word and coming through with a campaign promise..

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