Friday, March 26, 2010


David Frum, a Canadian-American journalist who has, for the past several years been a Fellow at AEI (American Enterprise Institute), was fired from there today.  He has been publicly outspoken about the Republicans recently and was heard to say that the Republicans have finally seen Waterloo but it is not Obama's but that of the Republicans.  Needless to say there are quite a few Republicans who disagree!

Frum, a Harvard graduated  lawyer for the GW Bush White House.  Paul Krugman has written his usual pithy, Opinion, article titled The Conscience of a Liberal and I suggest you read it by clicking here.   It is interesting for those of us who never saw Fox News as Fair and Balanced but, rather, Unfair and Imbalanced, were shocked to see that someone finally on the Republican side of the fence has seen the truth about Fox News and the ship that Roger Ayles clearly states he is there for ratings not truth from like Beck, Hannity, Rove and so many others.  Those who work there may feel popular by the numbers who watch them, of the ilk of the teabaggers, but they must feel the lack of respect from thinking, educated, logical and really fair people.  He says he used to think that Fox News worked for the Republicans but has now realized that the Republicans work for Fox News!  Read here.

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