Thursday, June 10, 2010

After comparing gubernatorial candidates in South Carolina, Nikki Haley commanded my respect with two exceptions 1) she is a Republican, 2) Sarah Palin endorses her, meaning that Haley allowed Palin to use her...not the other way around.  What Palin knows about governing a state like South Carolina after her two long years serving her state half the time she had promised, cannot be a significant help.  I must then presume, if she was any help to Haley, it was the fringe group of not-to-bright voters she might have brought with her.
Haley has run her campaign as a challenge to politics as usual and began the run-off campaign by declaring "It's us versus the Establishment." (see here)  She will be opposing (most likely she will be the ultimate Republican nominee) Vincent Sheheen, The Democrat who won the nomination yesterday, as well.  His mission: to reunite the fractious South Carolina.  He lists all the reason what has divided them for so long, listing racial prejudice, lack of support to public schools, bad economy, scandal and all the good things that might just get him there, though Haley also has a good following in a state that is usually Republican with as many faults as a party can have.

There are too many who pay no attention to the other states., sadly.  When it comes to this whole country and how it runs, we cannot afford to ignore the opinions, goals, prejudices and resistances to move the country forward.that live around us.

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