Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This year, the pundits with the crystal balls (I'm not sure those globes are on or off their person) claim that incumbents are vulnerable.  While I hear predictions and even some reference to things which seem negative, such as Specter changing party, but I do not hear that some people have just been self-serving, have made bad votes, have taking bribes, are too thick with those who financed their campaigns, are not people for whom one can have respect for their ethics, morality, or integrity.

Why is it hard too realize that people are just tired of electing people who go to Washington and totally ignore the wishes of their constituents.  Do they truly believe that all citizens have lost their short-term memory and don't remember campaign promises?. While we all know what liars and cheats many who are running campaigns, the many who adore Karl Rove and his tactics,  When candidates stop being fearful that they can go to Washington, help the country even if it means being a one-term elected official, we might start to have more admirable people in Washington.  I understand that not all voters are well-informed, not brainwashed, and ready to toss a vote to 'the other party' because of some perceived issue with someone not of their choosing.

It was appalling to me to hear a Southern 'gentleman' say of Obama, "He's not MY President".  Oh really?  I wonder when he stopped being an American citizen.  I thought it was expected sportsmanship to back whoever became the chosen  President, duly elected. Did I go wrong, or is it time that this country started to recognize all the forces working against it domestically?

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