Tuesday, July 20, 2010


When corruption is involved, no one is safe if they know too much and want to share it with people who should know.  For the first time in twenty years, a 37 year old investigative journalist in Greece was shot to death by a group calling themselves Rebel Sect.  While they have not claimed responsibility, the gun used was identified as one used in a similar incident previously by the group.

For more detail, click here..  The reporter, Sokratis Giolias, 37, was the news director at a radio station.  He was shot several times at close range.   One has to ask the question whether knowledge of these acts is what has turned American  investigative  journalists of the past into the gutless opinion-givers of today.  

In a N.Y. Times article on 7-8, the following was written: "In December 2009, Prime Minister George A. Papandreouannounced that his predecessor had disguised the size of the country's ballooning deficit. After rounds of deep budget cuts and months of vague pledges of support from the rest of Europe failed to stop the steady rise of the interest rates, Mr. Papandreou in April 2010 formally requested a promised $60 billion aid package, calling his country's economy "a sinking ship.''  See here for more.

The question raised today by Secretary Clinton's announcement of $500 million dollars pledged by the US government to Pakistan for aid makes me wonder at what point we Americans will put ourselves in similar financial jeopardy while our political electorate  play their partisan games.
For our staggering numbers of constantly expanding debt, click here.  Wait for it to load!

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