Saturday, July 10, 2010


Is it any wonder that people in tropical climes are often seen as indolent?  Even with air conditioning most of us in Northern weather conditions feel sapped when the temperature climbs over 90 degrees.  It shouldn't shock us  that we are willing to run air conditioners that equal the cost of winter heating just when we thought we would be reprieved from astronomical energy costs for a few months.

Excessive heat makes it seem I am on my way to Hell and the road is paved with good intentions...or at least it would be if I believed there was a Heaven or Hell!  I find myself steering away from hot food, hot books, hot music, hot clothing, hot showers and hot drinks.  Quite surprisingly this is a great adjustment.  I'm sure I will adapt in time.  'In time for what', you may ask.  Just as I get used to the change of lifestyle and habits, it will turn cold again and I will have to revert (meaning I will have to remember) what I used to do that worked.

At the moment, however, I have no time for all that.  My computer has been gifted with malware that has the lovely habit of returning, just as I thought it had been cleaned up.  How am I writing this?  I have three computers since I try to have a backup of everything, often unsuccessfully.  I was tempted to buy a lottery ticket when I lost all three backups  a year or so ago...a feat from which I have never totally recovered.  With that much bad luck, the law of averages dictates some good luck must come by reasonably soon.

So often I talk about how much I like change.  I need to clarify that.  I  only like positive change and sometimes it is not clear which kind of change it is that I face.  Today the heat wave is supposed to break for a bit.  I think that is positive change though the sun is gone, as well.  That is negative change...but why would I keep score?

May your day proceed with comfort and positive change, if indeed there has to be any change at all.

1 comment:

T-Dawg said...

This really makes my blood boil! >:|

So I hit the "cool" button ^.^