Thursday, July 29, 2010


Rove-style  lies are used throughout the world.  The propaganda being spread in Afghanistan is that the Americans are purposely targeting civilians to be killed.  In this war of political mediation and diplomacy, this is neither truth nor a message that we can tolerate.  At this time we need the cooperation of the Afghani citizens.  However, with clear Mafia-like threats,  people are afraid to be seen as informants.  It is not safe to seem on the side of the Americans.  This is crippling efforts to be helpful rather than harmful in Afghanistan. 

The Tea Party is also full of obfuscations and distortions and have been since their inception.  They spread the threat of death panels  in health care, advertise widely that Obama is not a US citizen, foster all those who deny 9/11 as having been created by Al  Qaeda, and try to influence those most easily influenced in the country....those who don't question what they hear if it is said convincingly to them either from con artists, convincing liars, or religious phonys.

Those who speak loudly may believe  in what they are saying but it may be based on data as misleading as the edited down tape of Sherrod.  When people are given half truths, the sheep behave as the Secretary of Agriculture did, with knee-jerk reactions.  While the TV show, The View, is a program that I do not watch, I applaud that Pre4sdient Obama agreed to be a guest.  The audience he will reach on that show will be more important to his words than the few who will hear no more of what he actually says and believes than the sound bites which the media shows on the brief news programs many of them usually watch. Any means he can get his word out to the people directly, as he did while campaigning, is to be lauded.

Since the handlers of profile for each party do not play by the same game rules, then neither party can play the political game with proper manners.  Right now we are not fighting to elect a candidate, we are fighting for the continued life of the country and the reasons why it exists since it was founded.  We must fight to preserve the essence of the Constitution which guides us and modify it only to make it relevant to this century if it is ever amended..

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