Saturday, September 25, 2010


It seems more people are interested in Lindsay Lohan being sent back to jail than the state of poverty in our nation.  With exquisite pain finally flooding him, just before elections, a justice department lawyer just had to blow the whistle though he has been confronted with this pain for years...coincidence that he finally decided to be a protected whistle blower?  Oddly, while I heard this today on Fox News, I can find nothing on it anywhere online.

Glenn Beck believes that the violence at Teapartiers meetings is coming from the left though all evidence suggests the opposite.  It is not indicated that many liberals attend Tea Party events.

On Ed Shultz (MSNBC) his poll revealed that an overwhelming per cent of responders believe that Glenn Beck and Chris Christie (the Bully, as he is known to most) are splitting the country/
Christie and splitting the country.

The Democrats are finally letting the public know more about what they have accomplished and what their goals are, as well as how they hope to implement action to achieve them.

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