Friday, October 1, 2010


Obama is finally speaking to the American public directly.  He appeals to the people who voted for him two years ago to maintain a correct perspective about how the country got into the shape it is in and that the responsibility for that sad condition preceded his two years in office.  It is about time he comes to speak directly to his voters.  He is truly the only one who can speak to the issues in a way that most people can understand.

While it is mentioned that more than 80% of the nation's wealth rests in the coffers of the top 2% of the wealthiest of the US population, it is not discussed that the power of money is equally disproportionate.  Money talks and has been talking to too many people with their hands stretched out for it.  Too many of them are politicians who have been voted into office by the naive public who puts into fact the saying once said that 'there is a sucker born every minute'.

The Republicans have yet to discover that there is truth in advertising,  They are just not using it.  For those of you who are aware and read more than Rupert Murdoch financed lies, it only points out more clearly the power of the 'snake oil salesman'.  The good con artist, whether he is selling lies, religion, political promises, or whatever, can sway the lazy people who cannot think for themselves.  Unfortunately we must never forget that half the people are below average.  They are especially vulnerable.  They are also the ones most firmly convinced that the truth is being spoken to them.  I'm horrified to realize that ill-equipped-to-judge people are voters.  People with Alzheimer's vote.  People who have little understanding of the politics of this country vote.  People with an IQ of less than 100 vote.  In fact, many people who have had little exposure to truth, vote.  As irreligious as I may be, I agree with the plea, "God Save our Country"

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