Sunday, October 24, 2010


Science fiction a few years ago is a reality today in aeronautics, medicine, communication technology, and so many other areas.  First mankind (this includes women, dudes and ladies).dreams up an idea.  Some people share it with others as Dan Kamen seems to do, and many times the result is a completion of the idea becoming a tangible, working reality.

Humans have long dreamed of space travel.  The first private spaceport has been built in New Mexico. The first few passengers will pay well over $125,000 for that privilege.  We all remember that that videotapes started out at $30 each in the late sixties and early seventies.  Once the original setup costs have been amortized, prices start coming down.  In pharmaceuticals that rarely happens because the company just phases out the drug and replaces it with a 'new and better' drug that treats the same problem, but that is really a non sequitor.

It is actually quite exciting to see where some of those exorbitant profits some of the rich have made off the backs off the backs of the poor. have gone.  Virgin Galactic's VSS Enterprise made a celebratory flight over the runway  For a more complete picture of the spaceport and what it is expected to bring to the world  click here.

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