Thursday, November 4, 2010


Recently I read that "God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins."  Cursed with a logical mind, I wondered what kind of credit card God assumed would allow his son's death to pay for the sins of one's predecessors,

Am I the only American who is puzzling over the sin committed last night by the elections?  Is Karl Rove no longer playing God of the electorate? It seemed that the candidates he didn't like in the Tea Party were the ones to lose.   If computers are still being used anywhere to tally the votes, is there a reason to believe they have not been programmed to favor Republicans as they were before?

My mind is split between wanting to believe there is a Master Plan behind all the money that went to support the Teapartiers and a conspiracy in ballot counting, or all of the above.  The alternative is to believe that the voting majority is made up of people who have lost their ability to understand that 'Rome wasn't built in a day' and that this isn't the way to get 'their government back', whatever they can mean by that which isn't spelled out clearly.

It leaves me wondering if I will live long enough to see people respecting both the President AND the Office of the President; to see people who work for the Legislature, Judicial and Administrative branches filled with people dedicated to the welfare of their countrymen and not just ripping of the taxpayers as all their efforts go into securing their own re-election. It would also be nice to not have to see President Obama have to atone for the sins of GW Bush and Cheney.  I would also like to see Supreme Court Justices get periodic reviews rather than life appointments.  I'd like to see people who seek office pass tests as to their competency and preparation to do the job they are seeking..  Lastly, I'd like to see 'set and equal budgets' for all candidates...none given by corporations, or those who may have a vested as well as conflict of interest in seeing their candidate in a position to show appreciation by handing them deals and working to please them.

Message to those who believe that Jesus died to atone for the sins of mankind; who will atone for the sins of the politicians?. 

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