Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Matt Lauer interviewed former president, GW Bush, so we got to hear the same denials of responsibility we heard for eight years.  To me, there were some very telling moments.  Lauer had the same reaction to one that I had.  The worst moment in his presidency, Bush said, was when someone in New Orleans (a black man at that) said Bush doesn't care about black people.  Bush said it was a personal remark that he is a racist, which he claims not to be, and that hurt and angered him.  Lauer said he was surprised the worst moment was a personal slight rather than what was happening to all those people.  Bush seemed to miss the human point there.

The producer(s) for the interview had a wonderful Karl 'Rovian' touch.  It was filmed in a church with the lovely stained glass windows as a backdrop.  At one point, a profile of Bush was in view with a large gold medallion of some sort on the wall in the background.  His face was perfectly superimposed over the gold circle so that it look like an icon of a saint with a halo.  Some PR person should get an A+ for that touch, n'est pas?  While I can applaud the attempts, no one can make a silk purse out of GWB, #43.  The man was as devoid of any real sensitivity to the American people, just as he completed his eight years as president with the same lack of awareness as to what he owed his countrymen.

A brief review of some of his political talent can be viewed here.

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