Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Murphy's Law strikes again!  If something can go wrong...it will.  When I have a day when most of what I try to do doesn't work; everything I try thereafter doesn't work either.  The only thing I have been doing really well is procrastinating.  With a few major pieces of software waiting around for me to install, I thought I'd do that simple chore today.  Windows 7 update in my hands since April was the wrong version; not returnable.  I had to order the correct, costly one, with a customer service suggestion that I auction the untried one on the Internet.  I find that suggestion as attractive as someone suggesting it is fun to sit and watch paint dry.

There is a reason researchers try to minimize variables.  It confuses the diagnosis or conclusions..  My cordless mouse stopped working as I finished installing a software program.  Naturally I assumed that the software made my mouse not work.  Even finding out how to turn the machine off is difficult without the mouse.   I suffered mouse withdrawal for several hours...even tried another cordless mouse which had worked well when I changed to the new one that came with my cordless keyboard (apparently designed for young, delicate Asian female fingers, which I lack) a  few months back.  I finally went to my laptop and 'borrowed' the tiny mouse that works with just a tiny USB plug which is the power transmitter to the wireless rodent.  It worked.  By the process of elimination and the fact that I could now navigate again, I will deal with the original mouse's comatose carcass after my votes have been cast for our new fearless, wise, and prepared-for-the-job leaders; and I have single-handedly saved our democracy.

Least expected wa when Google sent an Error 503 message.  Before I melt down to a frustrated blob, I use Google search to find out what the Error Messages meant wasn't much to worry about.  It just meant that Google blogspot was unavailable so I would have to write this entry later than my tired mind would function without a battery charge.  However, perseverance pays just as it did when I tried to get a problem solved on a website 'live chat'.  Five ahead of me in the 'queue', I was just contacted when my doorbell rang and I had to speak to someone who arrived without a call to measure and get an estimate on some repairs.  When through, I then went back to the site and only had to wait for three more in the queue ahead of me.

By the law of averages, tomorrow should be a better day and I might fully regain sanity...or at least, comfort again..

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