Wednesday, December 15, 2010


As people have gradually grown to respect the tactics of the religious  less and less, more is being written by atheists that is bolstering the 'non-believers' to 'come out of the closet', so to speak.  I am old enough to recall the feeling that there was not a choice on a form that just listed the major religions, primarily Christianity and Protestantism, though there was probably a space to write in other.  Since I had been baptized a Christian in full infant protestation, I felt required to report myself as one.  However, as I grew up and had my doubts, I note that more and more people are questioning organized religions.
In Fort Worth, a bus has taken an ad which is annoying those who believe that God runs our lives.  It has gotten to be disturbing to some and amusing to others.  An article by James McKinley sees it as a theological backlash..

A few days ago I tuned in to radio 4 on BBC and listened to a debate between atheist Christopher Hutchins and Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister (who has started the Blair Faith Foundation.)  You may be asked to join BBC (there is no cost) to get all it offers.  If so, do is well worth your time. The top menu bar with BBC logo offers several choices.  Choose Radio, then radio 4.  They have some wonderful lectures and topics being presented.

For those of us who do not feel the need to have to hear a sermon on Sundays and, instead, stay tortured by the Sunday morning political shows, it is, at times, a welcome change to hear what the Brits are featuring....

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