Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Living in New England, all my life I have watched those with money, or entering retirement, have flown to the South for warm winters.  When Florida got too hot for some to stay there year-round, people began to move slightly North. 

For the past couple of winters, the middle Atlantic states have fared far worse in the winter than the Boston area.

The last huge snow storm is now historic, 1978.
The picture to the left is of our three cars, that year, with only antennas showing.  The problem with this much snow is it gets too high to be able to throw it to the top of the pile! 

Not a meteorologist, I have only my own impressions to fall back on.  It no longer snows as deeply as it did when I was a child.  We used to be able to build long tunnels in the snow.  That would be difficult to do with and snow storm in the past twenty years.

The weather patterns have changed.  Storms seem to be swinging from Northern middle America and sweeping down to the South and mid-Atlantic.  If by chance it meets a storm there, heading North, it may swing around up with it.  The day after tomorrow we are supposed to get 8 to 14 inches of snow.  That will be the biggest pileup of snow in a very long time.  If it happens, I'll post pictures so all of you warm weather fans can gloat.

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